
Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Hmm, left you on that cliff a bit long, didn't I? Oops! Sorry about that.

As you can well imagine, by this point Dynamics of Biblical Change is over (I'm still waiting on my final mark, but I do know that I passed, which is always a nice feeling) and I'm enjoying a shockingly non-jam packed summer schedule with plenty of time to rest, work out, and take in the excitement of the XXX Olympic Games. Sweet deal!

In the meantime, Eugene (my beloved laptop) has been having some health and wellness issues. That was a lot of fun to manage during an online course with frequent assignment deadlines. Thankfully I have a friend who was able to loan me a netbook for the duration of the course so I was able to stay on top of things. (Well, on top-ish. Am I not the Queen of Procrastination?)

Dynamics wrapped up at the beginning of the month, I started my "vacation"/staycation the second week of July and promptly became unable to sleep properly for a week and a half, and Eugene and I were reunited on Sunday (thank goodness for extended warranties!). So here we are. Happily, I can report that I'm regularly sleeping through the night again, as opposed to staying awake all night and falling asleep between 7 and 8 am. Blegch.* There's nothing like out-of-whack sleeping patterns to play havoc with your workout schedule, believe me.

For now, though, I've settled into a nice rhythm of working out 3-4 days per week, which I'm hoping to bump up to 5-6 days by the end of August. Working out, eating well, and sleeping regularly will be my focus for the next few months. And, I hope, blogging! But one never knows... so no promises. Just hope that springs eternal. ;)

*(Go ahead, say it out loud!)