
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Hello, Goodbye, Hello!

It's finally happened - Inherit the Sun is moving to a new home! Please find all future writing on my shiny new WordPress site.

I'd been considering the switch to a new blog platform for a long time (years, actually!) but kept holding off for one reason or another. Inspiration struck last night and behold, a new blog is born! (Well, actually the same blog, with some extensive cosmetic changes.) I'm loving the crisp new layout, but I do wish there was a way to not have my "author photo" pop up all over the page when you click directly on a specific post. Oh well, maybe I'll take a foray into the guts of the website and manage to figure out how to make some changes without causing the site to explode... What? Anything's possible, right? :)

From now on, all blogging will happen over at, but I haven't yet decided whether to migrate all my old posts or just keep them here. If any of you have opinions or advice about that, I'm all ears!

Thank you for reading (especially those of you who have been here for the long haul!), and I hope you'll continue to find my thoughts just as ridiculous, relatable, and enjoyable as ever. 

All my love and best wishes for an excellent September,
K xoxoxo