
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Recipe Round-Up: Fall Flavours

As the temperature has slowly been falling (on some days, positively diving - with no complaints here!) from the twenties to the teens, my body has fully kicked into fall mode. I'm craving thick, savoury stews and soups, large slow-cooked hunks of meaty goodness, and roasted squash and root veggies. Not to mention warm spices (cinnamon! nutmeg! allspice! cloves!), preferably in yummy baked treats or steamy mugs of coffee and tea. I have therefore assembled some very autumnal recipes to whet your appetite for some festive flavours. After all, Thanksgiving is just around the corner.
Pumpkin Bread in a Bowl - I think this hearty breakfast idea could be enjoyed all year round, but lately I have been craving everything and anything pumpkin-y! Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks, Pumpkin Spice Chai tea from David's Tea, and the Pumpkin Gratin recipe that I just noticed on our kitchen wall calendar. And this:
I actually woke up this morning dreaming about making
this dish (no joke)!
Chorizo-Stuffed Acorn Squash - Normally any recipe with the suffix "-stuffed" in the title does not entice me to seriously consider making it for dinner. Too fussy, especially for a weeknight. And I am most emphatically not a fan of dishes that require a lot of hollowing out of ingredients with care and precision! But this puppy might just change my mind.
Real Simple always styles their food so beautifully,
don't they? Although, is it just me or does that lettuce
look a touch on the "brown around the edges" side?
Roasted Tomato Soup with Broiled Cheddar Lids - Ok, I know I've posted this recipe before, but honestly, can you blame me? I have also made this recipe before and can thus personally attest to the fact that it merits another honourable mention. Or two. Or 15. Seriously, are you still reading this? Hie thee to the nearest farmers' market or grocery store and fulfill the destiny of any sad, end-of-season roma tomatoes you can find!
I think it's official: Deb is a genius. The woman combined
roasted tomato soup and grilled cheese in a single dish, people.

 P.S. Deb, the genius-woman behind the best food blog of all time is coming to my beloved city as part of her book tour next month! How thrilled am I?!?! (And secretly hoping I can find someone to come with me to her book signing, but as much as I hate large gatherings where I don't know anybody, such is my love for Smitten Kitchen that I have actually made plans to go alone if I can't convince any of my friends to come along.) It will be epic, I tell you! SOOOOOO excited!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, these recipes look DELICIOUS, Kate! Thank you so much for sharing! (And we will have to compare results if/when we end up trying them!)

    Hope you have an amazing time at the book signing! ^_^

